Wednesday, March 30, 2011

LauncherPro - One app you cannot live without if you are on android.

Changes "navigating and using android" experience from a 1star to a 5star thingy!

Google needs to get this into the product; so its by default available for all customers..

use Launcher Switcher as home switching app; worked better for me than Home Switcher.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

The Guide To Commission-Free ETF Investing: The Pros and Cons To Each System | ETF Database

The Guide To Commission-Free ETF Investing: The Pros and Cons To Each System | ETF Database: "trade, Charles Schwab, Vanguard, and Fidelity–have begun to offer these programs to their clients. Not surprisingly, the scopes of these programs vary, and there"

Here is a list of ETFs all in one place..

And here are the most liquid from among the fidelity's ETFs.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

TIME - Top 10 lists



Top 10 finance blogs:
10.The Big Picture
9. Zero Hedge
8. Planet Money
7. Ezra Klein
6. The Consumerist
5. Freakonomics
4. Calculated Risk
3. Marginal Revolution
2. Felix Salmon
1. The Conscience of a Liberal